In AJAX Essential Training, instructor Dori Smith shows experienced web developers how to utilize AJAX to best create dynamic pages. The course covers selecting the best tools for the job (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML), understanding all aspects of HTTP from requests to responses, and creating dynamic forms and maps from static HTML and CSS forms and files. Dori also explains in detail how to get and use the Yahoo! UI framework. Exercise files accompany the tutorials. Topics include:
* Understanding the development workflow * Using JavaScript to manipulate the DOM * Understanding HTTP requests * Previewing links with AJAX * Creating dynamic forms and maps * Getting and exploring the Yahoo! UI framework * Animating objects with YUI
CSS gives Web designers control over the appearance of their web sites by separating the visual presentation from the content. It lets them easily make minor changes to a site or perform a complete overhaul of the design. In CSS Web Site Design, instructor and leading industry expert Eric Meyer reviews the essentials of CSS, including selectors, the cascade, and inheritance. The training also covers how to build effective navigation, how to lay out pages, and how to work with typography, colors, backgrounds, and white space. Using a project-based approach, Eric walks through the process of creating a Web page, while teaching the essentials of CSS along the way. By the end of the training, viewers will have the tools to master professional site design. Exercise files accompany the training videos.
A web site is just a web site unless it’s designed with a unique style. Creating a CSS Style Guide: Hands-On Training highlights the importance of a CSS style guide, which serves as an interface for the design team and a communication tool for the client. Laurie Burruss calls on her background as director of digital media at Pasadena City College and takes an informative, real–world approach to this topic. She shows how Dreamweaver CS4 can be used to develop a coherent site–wide emotion that boosts brand identity. The course culminates with building a working web style guide for professional use. Exercise files and a downloadable PDF quiz accompany the course.
Download the exercise files from the Exercise Files tab. Topics include:
* Planning a site from a blank file * Creating and editing a style guide with just HTML * Using the Property Inspector for text markup * Inserting images, tables, and footers for a custom look * Creating and editing an external CSS style sheet * Building a custom color palette for a site * Testing web pages in various browsers * Styling tips for professional sites
In the fast-paced world of Web development XHTML is becoming as important as HTML. Whether you are already familiar with HTML or just learning, whether you use an authoring system or write by hand, you need to know XHTML and how it works. XHTML Essential Training is designed to help you understand XHTML, why it is replacing HTML for many new applications, and how to make it work for you. More than just a tutorial, XHTML Essential Training covers the how and the why of XHTML documents, including document structure, block and inline level tags, floating images, controlling white space, phrase and font markup, and much more! From setting up a simpleWeb page to adding Cascading Style Sheets and JavaScript rollovers, XHTML Essential Training gives you the skills you need to take control of your Web pages. Topics include:
* What is XHTML? * What is XML? * Text control * Fonts * Linking * Images * Tables * Forms * Introduction to CSS * JavaScript rollovers
JavaScript Essential Training takes viewers through the process of using JavaScript to fully realize a site's potential, from understanding the basics to creating real-world samples. Instructor Dori Smith explains how to work with objects, create buttons and forms that interact with site visitors, make rollovers, menus, slideshows, and countdowns, and take advantage of other practical applications. Exercise files accompany the tutorials.
JavaScript is essential in the creation of powerful web sites and applications. In Practical and Effective JavaScript, instructor Joe Marini presents the next level of features that experienced developers need to streamline their workflows and introduce dynamic new functions to their projects. Joe teaches tips for improving JavaScript performance, ways to separate programming behavior from page content, and principles for understanding the modern DOM event model. Finally, Joe introduces some of the more advanced concepts recently built into JavaScript. An understanding of the JavaScript language is a prerequisite for this course, which includes exercise files. Topics include:
* Using built-in language features * Creating reusable modules to save programming time * Dealing with dynamic and complex events * Understanding object-oriented JavaScript * Reviewing practical JavaScript examples to use in the workplace * Discovering tools for debugging and developing websites
Ini aja????
Belum Boz..........
Anda juga akan mendapatkan semua yg di bawah ini Boz:
Web site and database assimilation is a necessity for many of today's businesses, and learning to work with PHP is key to integration success. The objective of PHP with MySQL Essential Training is to teach both new and experienced web developers the comprehensive steps for building dynamic, data-driven, interactive websites. Using PHP 5.2.x and MySQL 5.0.x, instructor Kevin Skoglund demonstrates the entire process of building a content management system. He starts with the basics of the PHP language (variables, arrays, loops, functions, etc.) and works up to building dynamic web pages with a MySQL back end. Kevin also covers blueprinting applications; structuring and interacting with databases; building, validating, and processing forms; and regulating user access with passwords. In addition, he provides practical advice, offers examples of best practices, and demonstrates refactoring techniques for improving existing code. The course has been updated for Mac OS 10.5 Leopard. Updated exercise files accompany the tutorials.
In PHP with MySQL Beyond the Basics, expert instructor Kevin Skoglund introduces powerful PHP programming techniques using object-oriented programming (OOP). Both novice and experienced PHP developers will benefit from the efficient, well-organized, reusable, and easy-to-understand code that OOP offers. Kevin shows how OOP techniques can streamline database queries, help manage sessions, and simplify user logins. While building a real-world web application, Kevin also includes practical advice on topics ranging from structuring code to logging user actions. Exercise files accompany the course. Topics include:
* Defining and using classes, methods, and attributes * Understanding class inheritance and access modifiers * Working with files and directories * Uploading files to a server via forms * Sending emails with PHP * Using pagination and View templates
Whatever a database is being used for—web sites, bookkeeping, sales and inventory, or even the lowly to-do list—it’s all about the data. SQL Essential Training is designed to help users understand the most common language for database wrangling—SQL. Beginning with a brief introduction, instructor Bill Weinman teaches the major features of SQL; he offers a solid working knowledge of the language, and how to retrieve and manage data efficiently. He also works through a real-world example of building a CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) application using SQL. Exercise files accompany the course. Topics include:
* Understanding SQL terminology and syntax * Writing basic SQL queries * Sorting and filtering * Inserting and updating data * Writing string and numeric functions * Finding and deleting duplicate data
XML, or Extensible Markup Language, was designed to make information sharing and data interpretation easier, but it only works if you know how to work it. In XML Essential Training, veteran engineer and instructor Joe Marini takes you through the basic rules of XML, discusses suggested tools, explains XML syntax, and more. From integrating XML into your site to creating style sheets and Schema Definitions, XML Essential Training covers everything you need to not only get started, but to really get working with XML. Exercise files accompany the training, allowing you to follow along and learn at your own pace.
XML technologies offer web developers and designers more flexibility than ever before. In Real-World XML, industry expert Joe Marini covers the best programming practices with XML, including the tools needed to build effective XML structures. He demonstrates the implementation of XML formats, how these formats work in real-world situations, and how they can facilitate project planning and development. Exercise files accompany the course.
XML Essential Training is a prerequisite for getting the most out of this course. Topics include:
* Understanding the Sitemap index format * Integrating XML and design * Using XML effectively in Firefox and Internet Explorer * Avoiding common design mistakes * Understanding and implementing DOM algorithms * Building an XML tag set * Using XML with RSS and Atom * Processing XML data with XSLT
If you're out of sight on the Web, says Search Engine Optimization specialist Richard John Jenkins, you're out of mind. Braving the wilds of search engine myths and facts, Richard offers essential tips on how to appear at the top of search results in Yahoo!, Google, and other popular search engines. From purchasing placement to optimizing keyword variations, from avoiding "black hat" SEO practices to setting up a search-friendly site, Richard covers it all. He also shares how to best submit your Web pages for indexing, how to monitor page rank, and how to build a solid base of links to your site. A must-watch video tutorial for experienced website publishers and for those just getting into the Web game. Topics include:
* Search engine optimization (SEO) vs. search engine marketing (SEM) * Getting to know your searchers * Crawler-based search engines * Keywording to rank high in searches * Keyword combinations, variations, and stop words * Setting up a site the wrong way: what to avoid * Creating a search-friendly site * Submitting websites for search engine indexing * Building link relationships
Ini aja???
Lho? Masih kurang juga Boz? Kalo gitu ntar saya kasi BONUS-BONUS lagi d.....
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Semuanya bisa Anda dapatkan CUMAN dengan Rp. 60.000,- saja!!! (Exc. Ongkir)
MANTAP kan Boz???
Buat yang pengen belajar membuat web sendiri, Buruan Order Video ini!!!
I recently came across your article and have been reading along. I want to express my admiration of your writing skill and ability to make readers read from the beginning to the end. I would like to read newer posts and to share my thoughts with you.
Gan, daku yang pesan video MotoGP dan Fitness minggu lalu, mau kasih testimoni niy...
Buat agan-agan sekalian jangan ragu-ragu kalau belanja ke agan DTriumph,
pelayanan nya ramah
kirimannya cepat ...
singkat kata : " Recommended Seller" dah
recommended Seller
Prosesnya Super Ekspress
Buktinya gw mesen kemarin eh besoknya udah dateng
yang katanya butuh 2 hari smpe 3 hari bru nyampe
Kayaknya Pas Nih Buat "repeat Order" Berikutnya :d
Originally Posted by imperfectz
Bro barang nya da sampai dengan selamat sentosa....
Mantap bro isi nya...
yang laen jangan takut belanja sama juragan ini
Originally Posted by boy_christian
barang uda nyampe nih barusan.. yg kirim ke mangga besar gan...
sesuai ama pesenan and poto.. thanks bro
Originally Posted by pinguinkutub
lapor, boss!
kaos diterima dgn selamat!
td nyampe waktu gw lg tidur..
setelah dicobain, kaosnya adem, muluslah pokoknya..
walopun ternyata agak kegedean di gw..
Originally Posted by Ranz2
Baik Hati, Barangnya Juga MANTABS
Thank's BRo Sudah Sampai Barangnya ^^
Bos paket'an dah dateng bbrp hr lalu via travel ya.
Maap baru testi skrg, orderan dah kuomplit smua kok bos, maap ane gk cek bener2 ......
Jangan Ragu d'buat kaskuser tuk order ke bos atu ini Muanteb banget service cepat dikirim'na juga kilat VERY VERY RECOMMENDED SELLER
bos mau kabarin aja kalau bajunya udah sampai dengan selamat neh
barang semua sep dan mantap
and bos in memang seorang
siap-siap ya kalo ogut mau pesen lagi minta cndol dong bos kalo boleh
Originally Posted by Tonitan
Barangnya sudah sampai hari kamis bro.... trims...
Qualitas Video
Service Salut gan....
Originally Posted by mikiee
Bos . .
Barang dah sampai dengan slamat td jam stgh 3 . .
wahh . . Sip banget bos ni kaos . .
Recommended Seller banget deh ni . . Rapih lg packing nya . .
btw , mau ijo2 nya dnk gan . . Haha . .
Cek kulkas ya gan . .
Originally Posted by denaja
Bos, thanks barang sudah diterima dengan baik... thanks juga buat bonus2nya, baru liat dikit aja... asyik juga tuh MANTAP....
Originally Posted by bawitdaba
bos hery, dvd-nya udah nyampe.. masi seperti yg sebelumnya, kualitas n layanan oke banget
pokoknya recommended seller deh
Originally Posted by evanthe
Lapor juragan.. barang ud sampe di TKP.... trs gw ud pake... keren juga ya..
sory telat ks tau... sbab kaskus down kmrn... masuk nya aj susah...
Recommended seller bos...
Originally Posted by bawitdaba
Mo laporan dulu nih gan,, Pesenan DVD-nya udah diterima dgn selamat
ngasi review dikit ya:
Kualitas Gambar MANTABBHH
Packing RAPIH
Harga OKE (dapet bonus pula )
Respon & Proses CEPAT (ga pake lama)
kalo udah ditonton semua, ntr gw pesen lg ya bos
Bos... ^^
Kiriman sudah diterima...
Dvd mulus, tidak ada lecet sedikitpun...
Di play, mulus, gak ada istilah MACET... ^^
Top dah si bos Blonceng ini...
Originally Posted by itachimaniac
sabtu dikirim senin sampe... thanks boz...pesananan sesuai dengan iklan....
Originally Posted by Personal_Worker
barangnya da diterima gan..tapi blm dicoba...
dagangan bisa di diskon dan pedagangnya bisa dipercaya....
Originally Posted by davidkusuma
Bro, kirimannya udah nyampe.. Manteb banget dah film2nya... Keren abisss...
Brutal Abissss... Gw ampe speechless nontonnya...
Bro, lo emang Recommended Seller!!!
Nih gw kasih cendol buat lo...
Thanks a lot bro...
Originally Posted by gogildong
Wah pokoknya RECOMENDED SELLER buat agan ini, yang pada mau beli jangan ragu2 dah Felony Fightnya keren abis. Pelayanan top markotop dah. Sori gan testinya telat.. Hehehe..
Originally Posted by orimon.Jr
kemaren pesen hari Rabu 02 Des'09 trus di kirim kamis nyampe jumat, maksih bgt gan ...
Originally Posted by erwin_jh
bozzzzzz kiriman sudah terima...mantabsssssssssss...baru coba beberapa aja, belum semua... so far sih jalan semua bozzzz!!!!
Pada intinya si boz BLONCENG itu.....
pesenan berikutnya tambahin bonusnya ya gan..huehehehe...
Originally Posted by kai2004
Bro thx yo Paket Kiriman Da sampe Akhirnya setelah ditunggu-tunggu.
Gambar Videonya Bagus!.. Kayanya ni Video Gitar paling Kumplit dan Materi Sesinya mirip banget seperti Lagi Les Gitar ampe ADVANCED.. ...
Gampang jadi belajar gitarnya Dibanding video lain-lainnya yang ak punya susah banget !... Metode Style-Style macam Bluess, jazz juga diajarin ampe berbagai style gitar n yang pasti bahasa inggrisnya mudah banget!....
Wah Mantap ni Videonya!.. sebenernya ni video da inceran dari beberapa bulan yang lalu di website resminya.. tapi untung bro jual ni dvd, jadi ak ga usah beli di luar negeri yang mahal pula hehehe ^^
N Video lainnya mau segera diliat juga.. ^^
Thx Berat Bro paket kirimannya!!..
Bro gw yng mesen nf 1-33 n pb 1-3 dr 087885000***
Okay pedagang ini jujur dan jualannya unik,,
Makanya untungnya gede ya bro
Tapi bro, saya tau ente jualan dah lama,, tp pelayanan masih kurang memuaskan ni,, Kalo udah kirim lsng kasih resinya ya bro next time,, Jgn buyer yng harus minta2,,
Overall ente,,
Originally Posted by 7star
mo kasih testi nih :
gw pesen tgl 6 okt siang, malem jam 7 gw transfer
hari ini tgl 8 okt dah di terima paketnya " cepet banget "
tar malem baru gw mo tonton
Originally Posted by bijianget
Gan mo ngasih testi nih.. barusan kiriman ane udah nyampe...
and ane tonton dikit buat ngetes, ternyata isinya
kocak gan..
Spoiler for tambahan:
bagi dong gan... tetep masih minta
Originally Posted by quicken
bro barangnya dah nyampe :d
cepet juga sampe ke rumah ane hehe . . .
Kualitas gambarnya mantep. . . .dan yang terpenting
bisa dijalanin di dvd player gue
1 Comment
I recently came across your article and have been reading along. I want to express my admiration of your writing skill and ability to make readers read from the beginning to the end. I would like to read newer posts and to share my thoughts with you.
note pad ++
Posted on January 29, 2021 at 5:58 PM