---==BBC - Life==--- Format: Avi Subtitle: English Total: 2DVD http://img718.imageshack.us/img718/804/bbclife.jpg Spoiler for Deskripsi Film Ini: Episodes: (Klik Di Sini Untuk Info Masing-Masing Episode) 1. "Challenges of Life" 2. "Reptiles and Amphibians" 3. "Mammals" 4. "Fish" 5. "Birds" 6. "Insects" 7. "Hunters and Hunted" 8. "Creatures of the Deep" 9. "Plants" 10. "Primates" |
---==Deadly Predators==--- Format: Avi Total: 2DVD The Documentary Killer Instincts is called Deadly Predators in Region 4 Region 4: Australia and New Zealand, Mexico, the Caribbean, and South America The thrill of the hunt… the excitement of the chase…going in for the kill… it’s all here in Deadly Predators. Experience a close-up, fast paced look at the brutal raw nature of the animal kingdom. Pride Lions, Pack Wolves, Cobras and Lynx must “Kill and Eat” in the wild to survive. Aired on “Discovery Channel” worldwide. The collection consists: 1. Australian Pythons http://img44.imageshack.us/img44/940...ianpythons.jpg Spoiler for Deskripsi Film Ini: 2. Big Cats http://img85.imageshack.us/img85/5057/thebigcats.jpg Spoiler for Deskripsi Film Ini: 3. Crocodiles http://img188.imageshack.us/img188/3462/crocodiles.jpg Spoiler for Deskripsi Film Ini: 4. Lizards http://img188.imageshack.us/img188/9452/lizards.jpg Spoiler for Deskripsi Film Ini: 5. Ocean Venom http://img36.imageshack.us/img36/8671/oceanvenom.jpg Spoiler for Deskripsi Film Ini: 6. Snakes http://img192.imageshack.us/img192/4440/snakesp.jpg Spoiler for Deskripsi Film Ini: 7. Spiders http://img36.imageshack.us/img36/6418/spidersy.jpg Spoiler for Deskripsi Film Ini: 8. Urban Birds of Prey http://img44.imageshack.us/img44/472...irdsofprey.jpg Spoiler for Deskripsi Film Ini: |
---==The Universe==--- Format: Avi Total: 4DVD Season 1 http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/...500_AA240_.jpg Spoiler for Deskripsi Season One: Season 2 http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/...500_AA240_.jpg Spoiler for Deskripsi Season Two: Season 3 http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/...500_AA240_.jpg Spoiler for Deskripsi Season Three: |
---==Planet Earth==--- Format: Avi Subtitle: English Total: 2DVD http://img46.imageshack.us/img46/649...lanetearth.jpg Spoiler for Deskripsi Film Ini: Episodes: (Klik Di Sini Untuk Info Masing-Masing Episode) 1. "From Pole to Pole" 2. "Mountains" 3. "Fresh Water" 4. "Caves" 5. "Deserts" 6. "Ice Worlds" 7. "Great Plains" 8. "Jungles" 9. "Shallow Seas" 10. "Seasonal Forests" 11. "Ocean Deep" BONUS: Planet Earth - The Diaries |
Harga: Rp. 25.000,- / DVD
Ambil semua paket di atas (TOTAL 10DVD) seharusnya Rp. 250.000,-
Tapi untuk yg borong semua, akan mendapatkan HARGA SPESIAL!!!
Cukup Rp. 200.000,- saja!!! (Exc. Ongkir)

Bukan itu saja, bagi yg borong semua juga akan mendapatkan BONUS-BONUS sbb: * The Miracle of Life http://img36.imageshack.us/img36/3840/miracleoflife.jpg Each minute, all over the world, a baby is born. An everyday occurrence, yet each birth is the culmination of one of nature's most complex, mysterious, and seemingly miraculous processes. A dramatic breakthrough in science and cinematography, the Peabody® award-winning The Miracle of Life takes you on an incredible voyage through the human body as a new life begins. World-renowned Swedish photographer Lennart Nilsson presents a spectacular look at a microscopic world. * In The Womb http://img718.imageshack.us/img718/2221/inthewomb1.jpg From the moment of conception, every human embryo embarks on an incredible nine month journey of development. Now, cutting-edge technology makes it possible for National Geographic's In the Womb to open a window into the hidden world of the fetus and explore each trimester in amazing new detail. Revolutionary imagery sheds light on the delicate, dark world of a fetus as never before. * In The Womb - Animals http://img46.imageshack.us/img46/923...ombanimals.jpg Following the critically acclaimed special, In the Womb, National Geographic takes you inside the hidden world of animal pregnancy in a way never before possible. Featuring state-of-the art computer graphics and real-time, moving 4-D ultrasound imagery to take viewers inside the unique world of animal fetal development, these remarkable pictures shed light on how an elephant, a dolphin and a dog develop in the womb. * Guinness World Records 2008 http://img85.imageshack.us/img85/245...nesswr2008.jpg Guinness World Records 2008 continues to builds on the intriguing, informative, inspiring and instructional records and superlatives that have made Guinness World Records one of the most famous brands and books in the world. This year, we've created a revolutionary new design and filled it with more records than ever before. New content areas include: * FORENSIC SCIENCE: An insight into the real-life superlatives of the crime-scene investigators... A must for CSI fans! * THE ENVIRONMENT: How real is the threat of global warming? A look at some of the recent environmental records... * HEALTH OF THE NATION: We take a snapshot of human health today and ask: who's the fittest and who's the fattest? * GAMES & PUZZLES: An interactive spread that allows you to test your smarts: from the first ever crossword question to the fastest sudoku, how will you fare? * EPIC ENDEAVOURS: Our largest-ever celebration of the superheroes who head for the poles, scale the heights, cross the globe and probe the depths... * TERRORISM & CONFLICT: Hard-hitting records and reportage on the deadliest threats to our modern society * BRANDS & ADVERTISING: The biggest names and even bigger budgets behind the brands and adverts we're exposed to every day * HOME ENTERTAINMENT and CONSUMER TECH: The gadgets and media that we simply can't live without - from the best-selling DVDs to the most powerful computer games consoles. As well as all the updated annual favorites including; ACTION SPORTS, CUTTING EDGE SCIENCE, INCREDIBLE STUNTS and INSPIRATIONAL PEOPLE. |
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