Video Belajar Gitar Paling Lengkap! --20DVD, 5CD, Buku 100+ Halaman!!!
Pengen bisa maen gitar?
Cukup dengan koleksi video2 kursus gitar berikut ini (di tambah dengan niat dan ketekunan Anda tentunya), DIJAMIN ANDA BISA BERMAIN GITAR DENGAN BAIK DAN BENAR!!!
Kursus Gitar ini berasal dari TOTAL 20DVD, 5CD, dan BUKU (pdf) LEBIH DARI 100 HALAMAN!!!
Jadi, yang Anda butuhkan setelah mendapatkan Video-Video ini adalah latihan! Itu Saja!
Mari langsung kita lihat apa aja yang kami jual dan apa aja yang akan Anda dapatkan:
Learn & Master Guitar is serious guitar training. It is by far the world's most complete video instruction course for guitar.
Winner of the 2008 Acoustic Guitar Magazine Players' Choice Awards, two Telly Awards and an AEGIS Award for Excellence in Education, Learn & Master Guitar is widely recognized as the best home instruction course for learning guitar available anywhere. It consists of 20 professionally produced DVDs, 5 Jam-Along CDs, a 100+ page lesson book, and a free online student support site. It is the only instructional package you'll ever need on your journey toward mastery of the guitar. All you provide is the practice!
Learn & Master Guitar solves all of those problems by combining the best of the instructional tools
- Video Demonstration:
The twenty DVDs contained in Learn & Master Guitar are really the heart of this course. Each lesson is clearly explained and demonstrated, so you know exactly what and how to practice. The videos were recently awarded two bronze Telly awards for excellence in the categories of Education and Use of Music.
- Printed Materials:
No one wants to practice along with a video all of the time! The Learn & Master Guitar workbook contains all of the songs and exercises demonstrated in the video lessons, as well as several more, so you can continue practicing at your own pace for as long as you need before moving on to the next lesson.
- Jam-Along CDs:
This is where the fun comes in! These five CDs allow you to "jam along" with an actual band, using the very same songs you'll be learning in your lessons. There's no better way to learn than by playing, and there's no way to play that's more fun than jamming with a band. You'll be amazed at how much more fun this makes your practice time! Your friends and family will be impressed, too, at how soon you'll be playing such amazing music!
- Professional Instruction:
Learn & Master Guitar gives you a rare opportunity to study from a real pro. Steve Krenz has been playing professionally for twenty years. He is not only a truly masterful player with a very impressive bio, but also an incredibly talented teacher and communicator. You won't find a better guitar instructor anywhere. And because it's from Legacy Learning Systems, the leader in in-depth video instruction, you know the training quality is of the highest caliber.
- Online Community & Student Support:
Once you purchase the course, you will also get access to our Student Support and Community websites. Steve Krenz, the author of Learn & Master Guitar, is online regularly, answering questions and offering encouragement, as are other students. You can also build a student profile, post recordings of your songs, track your progress, and get feedback from Steve and other students. This is a vibrant learning community with over 6,000 active users, all helping each other along as they progress through the course. We hope you'll join us!
- New Edition with 20 DVDs!:
The original version of Learn & Master Guitar, containing 10 DVDs, was already the most comprehensive guitar training course available anywhere and has received rave reviews since its release in June 2006. Now, new for 2008, Legacy Learning Systems is proud to announce the release of Learn & Master Guitar, Expanded Edition — now with 20 DVDs! It's the same great course, only now with twice as many songs and exercises, and even more detailed instruction. |
Jadi, yang akan Anda dapatkan adalah:- Video-Video yang berasal dari Total 20 DVD!!!
- Audio CD yang berasal dari Total 5 CD!!!
- Buku (pdf) yang berjumlah lebih dari 100 Halaman!!!
Harganya???Harga Resminya bisa di cek
$149 (-+ Rp. 1.500.000,00) Quote:
Di sini, Anda bisa mendapatkan semua yang Anda lihat di atas tadi HANYA dengan harga Rp. 80.000,- nett (Exc. Ongkir) |
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