Untuk SELAMAT di jalan ataupun untuk BERTAHAN di PENJARA PALING SADIS n KEJAM!!!
Halo semuanya...
Lapak yg satu ne menawarkan video2 untuk Anda semua yang ingin tau Fighting Secret untuk Self Defense, menghadapi situasi di jalanan yang kadang mengancam jiwa kita, ataupun bertahan di penjara yang paling sadis n kejam di dunia!!!
Video2 yang akan Anda dapatkan di antaranya:
"Devastating Fighting Secrets"

Devastating Fighting Secrets is the one video you'd want to watch if you were going into the meanest, roughest prison the next morning!
Although I teach in a friendly and fun manner, this DVD is not for the feint of heart. It's full of the "end-it-quick" and "for-survival-only" lethal and devastating fighting moves and tactics, which are demonstrated in a way that is easy to understand.
Passive, Medium and Lethal Force are covered, as well as the most damaging and painful measures to stop a bigger, stronger more experienced attacker, or multiple attackers, and even an MMA Fighter!
The moment you pop in my new DVD you'll instantly discover....
* How To Instantly End A Fight In One Move (Regardless of Their Size or Skill!) * How To Snap A Terrorists Neck Or Tear Out His Throat As Easy As Popping Open A Soda * Pain, Damage or Death - All In One Inch! * Disable Shots: How To Instantly Disable Your Attacker Without Killing Him * The 3 Master Keys YOU MUST KNOW to DO DAMAGE WITH EVERY STRIKE! * Simulated Attack: Watch Me Pulverize Multiple Attackers While Empty-Handed * How To Beat A Groundfighter Instantly (Not for those who can't handle BLOODY GORE) * Role Reversal: How To Easily Take His Knife or Gun When You're Empty-Handed! * 2 Last Minute Firing-Line Ways To Save Your Life And Snatch Victory From Certain Death! * 3 Ways To INSTANTLY DESTROY A Bigger, Stronger, More Experienced Attacker * 8 Joint Cranks To Seize And Control Anyone- Even Make The Hulk Whimper Like A Bitch! |
"British Free Fighting Academy : Survive The Street"

SURVIVE THE STREET is the British Free Fighting Academy instructional DVD release on the most effective street self defence. In this DVD Andy Hopwood teaches the viewer how to fend off violent attacks even if they have no martial arts experience. |
"The Keysi Fighting Method"

Keysi Fighting Method (KFM) is a method of self defense that is based on natural fighting instincts and several street fighting techniques, developed by Justo Diéguez Serrano from his fighting experiences in the streets of Spain. The system was founded with the help of Andy Norman. Both founders, Justo Diéguez and Andy Norman, are certified Jeet Kune Do instructors under Dan Inosanto. The Keysi Fighting Method became famous after it was used in the fighting choreography of the movies Batman Begins and its sequel, The Dark Knight.
KFM is NOT a martial art. It was not born or reinvented in the 'dojo'; KFM was born on the streets of Spanish gypsy origin. It has grown, developed and matured on the streets and the KFM Instructor Development Program is now a direct consequence of real events, experiences and subsequent years of investigation. KFM is an amazing multi dimensional journey into the world of self-discovery.
KFM was born in the 1950's and therefore old and primitive traditions do not bind it, nor do they limit the never-ending process of evolution. If we are to truly grow and develop as human beings then we must first break free from all past conditioning. Learning is non accumulative, therefore we cannot store learning as we can knowledge, learning occurs on a daily basis and once we have 'learnt' something it becomes Knowledge which is now of the past.
KFM is an art form dedicated towards the study and investigation of survival of the modern day streets. It is in a state of constant evolution, never standing still and fuelled by research and investigation. You must allow yourself to evolve and grow on a daily basis if you are to truly absorb the essence of KFM and KFM lives in the blood and not in the collection of techniques. |
Harganya berapa ne untuk Video-Video yang sangat berguna ini?Cuman Rp. 30.000,- aja!!! (Exc. Ongkir)Anda akan mendapatkan 3 video di atas yang berdurasi -+ 3 jam!!!Cuman itu aja?Anda masih akan mendapatkan
BONUS2 video teknik2 bertarung langsung dari para fighter professional, di antaranya:
Bas Rutten's "Lethal Street Fighting" Self Defense System

In this dynamic DVD World "Ultimate Fighting Champion" and 3X "King Of Pancrase", Bas Rutten personally teaches you his "Lethal Street Fighting" Self Defense System designed to immediately give you the skills and combat techniques needed to win any street fight! Winner of over 200 deadly street fights and numerous No-Holds-Barred Titles Rutten knows what he is talking about when it comes to reality combat. All techniques taught in this exciting DVD have been battle tested by Rutten in the ring and on the street so you know they will work in the deadliest combat situations! Don't Delay! Start learning the World's most effective Street Fighting Self Defense System by ordering Bas Rutten's, "Lethal Street Fighting" training DVD Today! Over 1 hour 45 minutes of non-stop action! What you learn today may save your life tomorrow.
Techniques taught by Bas Rutten in this dynamic DVD include:
*Proper street fighting posture and positions to take when encountering the enemy to give you the advantage when the fight begins.
*Strikes including the straight right punch, uppercut, the deadly palm heel strike, elbow strikes, nasty eye gouges and nose breaking head butts.
*Kicks including front kicks to the groin and solar plexus, knee smashes to the face and body, stomping kicks for when your opponent is down, roundhouse kicks to the head and body plus deadly low kicks to the legs.
*Over 75 non-stop Lethal Self Defense techniques covering every street fighting situation you may encounter including techniques against one and two man attacks, defensive techniques against deadly knife and gun attacks, defending against attempted take downs, ground fighting self-defense and much more!
*How to use everyday instruments as deadly weapons against your attacker such as beer bottles and chairs, street fighting strategy and much, much more! |
dan juga Video seminar dari Emelianenko Fedor!!!

Bagi yang belum tau siapa Emelianenko Fedor, bisa langsung klik di sini
Singkatnya Fedor adalah petarung profesional terbaik di dunia saat ini! Tidak ada yang membantah itu, bahkan para petarung profesional lainnya juga mengakui itu!
Watch Fedor Emelianenko, world’s best MMA fighter demonstrate his unique and aggressive blend of MMA game on his exclusive DVD. Strikes, submissions, takedowns – no stone is left unturned in this ultimate fighting teaching gem…. |
Semua PAKET SELF DEFENSE I di atas bisa Anda dapatkan HANYA seharga Rp. 30.000,- aja!!! (Exc. Ongkir)DIJAMIN GA BAKAL NYESEL DEH!!!PAKET SELF DEFENSE II (Rp. 60.000,-)
>> Untuk yg uda pernah beli / akan beli PAKET SELF DEFENSE I harga PAKET SELF DEFENSE II ini menjadi Rp. 45.000,- saja. Quote:
Paul Vunak The Enigma Set Street Fighting System
 You Are Four Hours Away From Becoming A Lethal Weapon Using The Same System I Teach 13 Government Agencies. I Will Teach You My System Of One Million Techniques Especially Designed for School Owners!! I will share with you for the first time what I call my Golden Goose Principle . This principle I developed has allowed me to give hundreds of seminars, publish many books and videos without ever having to repeat myself. This one tool alone will provide you with an endless well of knowledge which you can teach your students and use for a lifetime. |
Paul Vunak - Street Safe

Top Secret Hand-to-Hand Fighting System Finally Released To Limited Number of Civilians!
Now, with the sudden release of this incredible elite military fighting system, you can easily "take down" trained boxers, Karate black belt masters and street thugs twice you size... even if you've never been in a real fight in your life!
Are you even remotely interested in learning how (in a matter of mere hours) to dominate any attacker or bully (even one bigger and meaner than you've ever encountered before) with such ease -- and so automatically -- that you (and you loved ones) will have the confidence to walk nearly any street in the world, any time of day or night... knowing without question you can "neutralize" the threat of physical assault by criminal scum as easily and thoughtlessly as you would shoo away an alley cat?
I don't care if you're in the worst physical shape of your life, or if you've never hit another person before, or don't have the coordination to walk and chew gum. A thousand guys smaller and weaker than you have learned it, and you can too. Almost overnight. A Navy SEAL combat instructor told us that this fighting system can turn anyone into a potent hand-to-hand fighter. He said it's amazingly easy to learn, easy to remember, and best of all, easy to use when needed!
Paul Vunak is your instructor. You may have never heard of him, but the SEALS, FBI, CIA and a dozen police departments SWAT teams sure have. He is without question, one of the most respected and dangerous men on the planet.
There are no complicated moves! Finally, learn how to fight and win! |
12 Shots to Escape Any Street Fight

Learn how to handle most attack situations with a minimum of training time. Training includes how to release any hold, knockout your attacker (real knockouts are taught and demonstrated), defend yourself from rear attacks (chokes, bear hugs, etc.), handle yourself if you should be knocked to the ground (escape the mount and prevent it from occurring). Also, learn to defend and counter the most common and most powerful type of punch you are likey to encounter in a violent assault. These techniques are taught as if you had no prior training, but are equally valuable to the trained martial artist. |
Wing Chun - Self Defense

Wing Chun is widely recognized as one of the fastest styles in the world. It has a speed and directness of action that is difficult to match. Ideal for self defense as a starting point for further study of Martial Arts or simply as a hobby. Wing Chun is both challenging and rewarding and can be practiced anywhere. This DVD is based solely on Wing Chun as a self defense art. It draws on all three of the original forms but there is little or no training in specific movements or the forms themselves. Instead, the training is centered on real life application and situations that may arise. In its original form Wing Chun is already an outstanding self defense art but by drawing on his own extensive knowledge, Sifu Wong has created this Wing Chun hybrid to speed learning and make the techniques practical for all. Making use of a partner for much of the training, you will learn how to apply the techniques to people rather than dummies or in thin air. This form of teaching helps you to understand the energies and forces involved and also demonstrates how the techniques do not require great strength or flexibility to be able to use. Aimed to be an introduction into self defense, this DVD will give you an insight into the world of self preservation and martial arts that is available to everyone but exploited by few. |
Modern Times Warriors

Modern Times Warriors, The ICOSS: The International Confederation of Self-defense Systems is composed of several associations and international with, at the head of them, world famous self defense experts. Every summer, they gather in Rimini-Ricione, in Italy, in order to organize a self defense seminary in which each expert of a different specialty teach their street fight techniques to all the participants. |